Hardangervidda - Winter beauty
vr 360°

The National Park Center Hardangervidda in Norway, which has an interactive exhibition about wild reindeer, premiered a virtual reality project on May 30, 2023, in collaboration with Per Lykke and Gagarin. The project aims to provide visitors with an immersive and educative experience about the Hardangervidda National Park, the largest national park in Norway and mainland Europe, covering 3422 square kilometers and boasting unique wildlife and ecosystems.

The VR experience begins with visitors watching a 360° video of the Hardangervidda plateau in winter, showcasing the park's majestic landscapes. After the video, guests meet scientists who explain the challenges the park faces due to climate change. The scientists appear in real 3D capture form, providing a life-like experience. After the introduction, visitors engage in a role-playing game to explore possible futures for the park.

The goal of the VR experience and game is to educate visitors about the park's beauty, wildlife, and ecosystem, as well as the environmental threats it faces. After the VR experience, participants can join in an ecological role-playing game to save the park for future generations. Finally, visitors are evaluated based on how well they understand the park's ecosystem and how successful they were in the role-playing game.

I want to express my gratitude to Gagarin for having faith in my skills to work on this project.
I would like to give a special shoutout to Per Lykke for his support, dedication, and belief in my work. This project is precisely the type of work that I am enthusiastic about and would love to continue pursuing in the future, particularly focused on wildlife nature experiences and science education.



