• Matís Iceland

  • Icelandia

  • ZDF - Terra X TV series

  • Food Unfolded

  • Fischereihafen-Betriebsgesellschaft mbH

  • Puffin and Friends exhibition

  • Skottafilm

  • The National Power Company of Iceland

  • Stopping by in Iceland 1918 // A time tunnel to 1918

  • FT

  • Íslandsstofa / Horses of Iceland

  • World of the northern lights - Iceland

  • Vodafone

  • The University of Hólum

  • Hardangervidda nasjonalparksenter

  • Umhverfisstofnun

  • Gagarín

  • The national park at Þingvellir

  • N4 TV

  • Hringbraut TV

  • Hríminir

  • Næra

  • Gerum betur - customer service training in virtual reality

  • Mt Tindastóll Ski Resort

  • And many local companies and individuals