Fascination Earth: Icy Iceland

Documentary with Wotan Wilke Möhring

"I worked as a producer and co-cameraman for the German national television station ZDF Terra X on a documentary called "Fascination Earth" (Faszination Erde: Eisiges Island) featuring Wotan Wilke Möhring. It was a fun and challenging project. To watch it online, simply click on the poster. 

Anthropocene - The Rise of Humans

Worked as a Stringer/fixer/location scouts/researcher for the filming in Iceland.

Volcanoes – the scary creators

Fascination Earth with Dirk Steffens

Volcanoes are destroyers and givers of life at the same time. Millions of people live in their shadow. Dirk Steffens travels to the most active and dangerous volcanoes in the world and looks into the vast interior of the earth.

I worked as a Stringer/fixer/location scout/researcher/organizer/assistant with a camera for filming in Iceland. 2020


World of the northern lights - Iceland


Matís and FoodUnfolded